2023 UMN Best Dissertation Award
Burhan was the 2023 winner of the University of Minnesota Best Dissertation Award for the Physical Sciences & Engineering category. This is a very well-deserved recognition for his pioneering work on self-supervised deep learning reconstruction!
PhD defense - Burak
Burak has successfully defended his PhD thesis, and is officially Dr. Demirel! Congratulations again on an excellent thesis entitled "Physics-Driven Deep Learning Techniques for High-Resolution MRI"!
PhD defense - Chi
Chi has successfully defended his PhD thesis, and is officially Dr. Zhang! Congratulations again on an excellent thesis entitled "Efficient Deep Learning-Based Approaches for Accelerated MRI"!
2023 ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction Best Poster Award
Burak won the Best Poster Award at the 2023 ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling & Image Reconstruction for his work entitled "Database-Free Zero-Shot Deep Learning Reconstruction for Rapid Free-Breathing Cartesian Real-Time Cine MRI"!
MRI Reconstruction Book Published
Our new book "Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: Theory, Methods, and Applications" co-edited by Mehmet, Dr. Mariya Doneva and Dr. Claudia Prieto is out!
2022 IMAGINE Lab Abstracts at ISMRM
Our PhD students had 6 great abstracts at ISMRM this year. Burhan won a Magna Cum Laude award for this work on zero-shot self-supervised deep learning reconstruction. Burak, Chi and Hongyi also had multiple abstracts covering improved cardiac MRI reconstruction, ultrahigh resolution fMRI and deep linear transform learning. Great works on advancing MRI reconstruction!
Most Cited Paper in MRM (2019)
Our paper "Scan-specific robust artificial-neural-networks for k-space interpolation (RAKI) reconstruction: Database-free deep learning for fast imaging" was the most cited paper from 2019 in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, a flagship journal for MRI research.
2022 ICLR Paper
Burhan was the first author of a new paper, Zero-Shot Self-Supervised Learning for MRI Reconstruction, published in ICLR 2022, a flagship AI conference. This work proposes a zero-shot self-supervised learning approach to perform subject-specific deep learning MRI reconstruction to tackle generalizability issues related to changes in sampling pattern, acceleration rate, SNR, image contrast, and anatomy.
PhD defense - Burhan
Burhan has successfully defended his PhD thesis, and is officially Dr. Yaman! Congratulations again on an excellent thesis entitled "Self-Supervised Physics-Guided Deep Learning for Solving Inverse Problems in Imaging"!
3M Fellowship
Merve was awarded the prestigious 3M Science and Technology Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The purpose of this Fellowship is to promote graduate student excellence at the University of Minnesota.